An e-mail service invented by the researchers from CERN, Harvard and MIT claims to be fully secure even from sophisticated snoopers such as the NSA.

Founded last year in Geneva, Switzerland, ProtonMail was built with the intention of creating a better protected e-mail system.

Being Swiss based and therefore beyond EU and US jurisdiction ProtonMail servers promise users a legal force shield for privacy.

"We use only the most secure implementations of AES, RSA, along with OpenPGP. Furthermore, all of the cryptographic libraries we use are open source. By using open source libraries, we can guarantee that none of the encryption tools we are using have clandestinely built in back doors. We are constantly consulting security experts including IT scientists at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research)," ProtonMail’s website said.

Jason Stockman, co-founder of the Swiss-based e-mail service asks end-users not to lose sleep over the ironclad security details.

The symmetric encryption incorporated in the system would ensure that mails could be sent without much fretting to users with lesser protected e-mails. When a non-ProtonMail user receives an encrypted message, a link is sent along with it to be loaded into the browser, which is then decrypted with the help of a password shared by the sender of the mail.