The possible disruption of electricity supply has emerged as a concern for Australian business as the countdown to the year 2000 continues. As the Australian Government’s interest in Year 2000 compliance increases, the Commonwealth’s Emergency Management Australia has vowed to ensure the safety of Australians as the nation’s computers click into the new millennium. It has flagged the possibility of a run on its emergency telephone number (000) as people try to cope with events such as failed burglar alarms and water supply. Trouble with the water supply is of particular concern to the EMA as January is the danger month for summer bushfires. Meanwhile, Ken Pritchard, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s millennium program director, has indicated that the compliance of utility suppliers is an important part of organizing the bank’s strategy for January 1, 2000. And Richard Humphry, the managing director of the Australian Stock Exchange, has gone on record saying that the ASX could run for one month with generators if its electricity supply is affected by the inability of computer programs to recognize the four digit date. People have to realize this (the year 2000 problem) can actually stop things from happening.