Menlo Park, California-based Anterior Technology Inc has shown its faith in the new Mobidem by immediately launching a compatible gateway to connect users with electronic mail systems. It is initially to be sold packaged with Mobidem and the Hewlett Packard Co HP 95LX palmtop personal computer. Users are assigned a Radio Mailbox and are then able to send and receive messages over a wide range of public and private networks, including ATT-Mail, CompuServe, the Internet, UUCP/Usenet, and local network-based systems such as Lotus Development Corp’s cc:Mail, using either dial-up phone lines or wide area network services. The product is essentially an extension to the one-way RadioMail electronic mail gateway that the company launched last October, which uses alpha-numeric paging technology rather than interfacing with a computer. The commercial two-way RadioMail service will go live next month, when Mobidem ships begin.