In June, Dallas, Texas-based AnswerSoft Inc says it plans to start shipping Softphone, a client-server-based system which supports the Novell Inc-AT&T Co-developed Telephony Services Application Programming Interface for controlling telephone functions from users’ personal computer screens. Initially available for the AT&T Definity PABX, with other – unnamed systems to follow, the system is said to support features including call forwarding, automatic number identification and Caller ID from the user’s personal computer. Through TSAPI, the system is said to integrate seamlessly with Novell’s NetWare 4.0 Directory Service, enabling SoftPhone directory information to be downloaded from the Directory Service. The system is also said to enable users to automatically launch other applications, enabling associated documents to be automatically opened when specific calls are made or received. AnswerSoft says that it is pursuing relationships with Novell Platinum and Gold resellers, independent resellers and systems integrators. The base price for the AT&T Definity System G3 version of the product is to be $100 per user; pricing for other versions will be decided as they arrive.