Ansa Software, Belmont, California claims that its new version 2.0 of the Paradox database manager, announced yesterday, is the first true multi-user database management system for MS-DOS micros. Paradox 2.0 is designed to enable an unlimited number of users to work concurrently with the same data without sacrificing data integrity or compromising single-user capabilities, performance or flexibility. Users can browse a file others are editing, and if a record is being used, the name of the user who has locked the record is displayed. An auto refresh feature automatically updates information to the screen as it is revised by other users; automatic table and record locking to insure data integrity; and deadly embrace protection to prevent crashing when more than one user seeks access to the same information at the same time. It is designed to work on all major networks including 3Com, 3Plus, Novell Advanced Netware, IBM Token Ring, IBM PC Network, AT&T Starlan and Torus Tapestry. The Personal Programmer application generator has been rewritten in C to support multiuser application development. Record capacity is expanded to 2,000m from 65,000. Paradox 2.0 ships on June 1 and costs $725; Paradox 2.0 Network Pack, which can support six users, is $995. Paradox 1.1 will remain available at a reduced price of $495; upgrades to 2.0 are $199.