Peacock Computer GmbH has established a wholly owned UK subsidiary in Basingstoke, Hampshire. The Paderborn-based company was set up in 1983 as an importer and distributor of personal computers and mass storage products, and started manufacturing its own computers in 1987. It shipped 30,000 units and reported a turnover of UKP50m last year, and the UK arm is the first overseas subsidiary. The Peacock personal computer range includes XT compatibles, 80386-based machines, local area network servers and stations, and 80486-based products. The company says that its 25MHz 80486-25 has integrated maths co-processor and cache controller, and 16Mb of memory. It is being shipped in volume and Peacock UK is currently seeking distributors. The company also distributes a range of mass storage products, and has agreements with Micropolis, Rodime, Western Digital, and Miniscribe – now Maxtor – on full and half height Winchester disk drives. In addition, Peacock distributes floppy disk drives from Mitsubishi and Citizen, disk controllers from Adaptec and Western Digital, and tape drives from Cipher.