Thursday 2 February 2012 marked the final day of Julian Assange’s hearing at the UK Supreme Court. The Wikileaks founder is fighting extradition to face sex crime allegations.

Supporters of Assange along with members of the "hactivist" group, Anonymous, stood outside in the cold to protest against Assange being extradited back to Sweden.

Many protesters believed that Assange is only being targeted because he is the founder of Wikileaks.

Ben Griffin of Veterans of Peace said that Assange is only in trouble due to him starting Wikileaks: "There hasn’t been any charges made against him yet he’s still faces this extradition process. You have to ask the question if Julian wasn’t the founder of Wikileaks would he be going through this process and I think the answer is no."

Another protester played the guitar and sang songs about peace and justice to protest against Assange’s extradition

"It’s only because he’s the founder of Wikileaks that he’s in trouble," said John Mckinley.

Take a look at what protesters had to say in our video below:


It will take up to several weeks before the decision about the Wikileaks founder’s extradition is announced.