Andataco Inc will ship a 16Mbps version its GigaRaid disk RAID storage subsystem at the end of January or early February, says director of marketing Steven McAllister. The 8Mbps version began shipping in late December. New features in its GigaRaid product include sleds that are portable, but not removable, a power supply configuration with fewer potential points of failure, support for up to seven SCSI and three independent host channels, and bootability from SunOS, say McAllister and Jack Corrao, strategic product development manager. In keeping an eye to expense, we did not design in removability because it costs between $50 to $75 more per drive and we found that data processing managers don’t remove them except maybe once or twice a year. Removability was just a sex appeal thing, McAllister said. Andataco’s sleds must be screwed out rather than snapped out, he said. With GigaRaid’s SCSI and host channel support, says Corrao, If you’re lucky enough to be in the DEC environment, you can have three different hosts accessing the same array, because the operating system support is there. For its fiscal year ended October 31, Andataco reported revenue up 38%, to $72.6m, from $52m the year before. The company expects revenues to total approximately $114m this year, of which $12m will be international sales, McAllister said. – Marsha Johnston