Unix-based transaction processing systems are still thin on the ground, mainly due to the fact that much of the support software has yet to emerge. ICL has now announced support for two proprietary languages to tie in with its Open Systems Transaction Management environment – Ally Software Inc’s Ally and Unify Corp’s Accell language. Ally, developed by Unisys Corp, is targeted at the transaction processing world and is already integrated with Tuxedo, while Unify intends to extend Accell with transaction processing extensions later this year. The issue, says Unify’s Bill Osberg is to implement server versions of Accell that include some of the program logic. Client versions of Accell already exist. Unix Labs’ Tuxedo is currently the only open transaction processing game in town, says Osberg. It has the lead by two years, with product and distribution in place. [NCR Corp’s Top One] has product but no distribution, while [Transarc’s] Encina has distribution but no product! However, Unify’s eventual aim is to provide transaction monitor independence. The emergence of databases that comply with X/Open Co’s XA interface between the transaction and resource monitors is also speeding up implementation of open transaction processing systems: Informix Software Inc is the first, but Oracle Systems Corp, Ingres Corp and Unify Corp are all expected to follow.