Using Analysts International’s rapid prototyping and development methodology, the Mobile Business Computing practice assists clients in the design, development, implementation, deployment and ongoing support of handheld and mobile computing solutions.

According to Mike LaVelle, president and chief operating officer for Analysts International, The Mobile Business Computing practice has been created to help enterprise customers assess the viability of deploying handheld solutions. One component of the offering, the Mobile Business Evaluation service, is designed to help clients identify how specific business processes and workflows can be streamlined by adding a handheld component. The evaluation provides organizations with valuable insight into the benefits, costs and return on investment of mobile computing, and how it can be used as a competitive advantage. Another component is Analysts International’s unique mobile computing methodology.

Kent Barnes, PMP, Analysts International’s Mobile Business Computing practice director says, As a Palm Solution Provider, we are enhancing existing service offerings. Analysts International’s IT consulting expertise combined with these new service offerings, uniquely position the company as a leader in the handheld and mobile technology arena.