Hoskyns Group Plc has released not just another executive information system but one that enables users to draw data from any or all of the applications on their company AMIS 400 database. AMIS Enterprise Information System is the latest spawn of the five year old AMIS family of decision support software for the IBM Corp AS/400 machine. AMIS offered management information resources, but without a friendly front-end, which is the new system’s function. Executive director Alwyn Welch dismissed rivals that already have a desktop offering: They’re offering a Ferrari shell with a Fiat engine, we’re the real thing all through. There are three parts to the system: data extraction, which links to any host or type of application; data analysis, which makes possible a multi-dimensional approach; and data presentation with a claimed zero learning curve, offering graphics, drill-down facilities and a choice of OS/2, Windows or MS-DOS operating systems. Hoskyns believes 80% of bespoke executive information systems are abandoned due to the hassles of feeding the system, and says it has eased the implementation burden with inbuilt interfacing and data extraction abilities. Prices start at UKP15,000 for a 10-user system. May the market decide.