The digital content business is predicted to reach $80 billion worldwide by 2010 according to Ovum, representing a significant opportunity for operators and content providers. To capitalize on this, the Qpass Retail Suite is designed as a horizontal architecture that centralizes functions such as storefront discovery, merchandising, and content management giving service providers the control on a retail marketplace.

The new Qpass Retail Suite allows for targeted service delivery. The new platform enables two new key differentiators for service providers: the first is a true personalization platform that can make targeted recommendations based on a customer’s profile and behavior; and the second is the ability to allow for shopping in places other than the traditional storefront such as on major portals, in games, or alongside applications.

Charles Born, vice president of corporate communications for Amdocs, said: Extensive market research and our discussions with customers show that one of the major obstacles consumers face when purchasing content is finding what is relevant to them.

Instead, today consumers are often bombarded with things they don’t want or need – for instance, they can be presented with an opportunity to buy the top-selling ringtone after just purchasing that exact ringtone. The new Qpass Retail Suite gives service providers the opportunity to deliver personalized product recommendations relevant to the interests and preferences of each subscriber in a seamless manner across all content catalogs – creating a far superior customer experience.