Amdahl Corp yesterday unveiled the latest release, 2.1.3, of its UTS mainframe Unix. It includes Open Systems Interconnection and has two transfer layer interface-compatible transport providers which support local and wide area networks over Ethernet and X25. The OSI FTAM application enables users to transfer and manage files across OSI networks using the OSI Transport layer, and X400 capabilities will be available early next year. UTS/Advanced Program-to-Program Communication has been added, enabling communications between remote applications using IBM’s SNA LU6.2 protocols. Enhancements to the Extended File System include additional mechanisms for storage class selection, improved back-up and recovery and support for long file names. Support for the X Window System is extended to X11.4 and OSF/Motif Version 1.1. UTS Release 2.1.3 will support the 1Gb per second UltraNet network and it is connected through a maximum of eight striped channels. Also, Amdahl C and Amdahl Fortran, two ANSI-compliant languages, are available for Release 2.1.3, and the company says that C and Fortran programmers can now develop and maintain applications requiring over six Terabytes of on-line storage. At the same time as announcing the new release, Amdahl confirmed the existence of several pilot schemes with its processors being used as front-ends or nodes in a DECnet. Ken Gorf, director of open systems, says that some Digital Equipment Corp users, especially engineering shops, have run out of steam and exceeded the capabilities of the top-end VAX 9000. The unnamed pilots, two in the US and two in the UK, are migrating large applications from the DEC environment, and Gorf says that details will be available in first quarter 1992.