Advanced Micro Devices Ltd, whose UK base is in Woking, Surrey, has released the Am95C71 Video Compression/Expansion Processor, a CMOS image data handler that compresses and expands binary image data in accordance with CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 coding algorithm standards: the processor can reduce Group 3 and Group 4 documents to one-twentieth of their original uncoded file size, compressing and expanding them at rates of 60Mbps to 85Mbps, thereby enabling MS-DOS and other workstation users to browse at over seven pages per second, as well as giving electronic copiers the facility to collate copies internally without using a great deal of memory space; the Am95C71 employs an on-chip, 6,800-pixel reference line buffer, is governed by a 20MHz clock, has dual 16 bit buses, contains two 16 word by 16-bit first in, first out buffers, and operates in half-duplex mode at an average of 60Mbytes per second.