Amazon has come up with a hybrid design for its Prime Air vehicles and drones, with plans to use the design for a delivery drone.

The company unveiled the new design through a YouTube video, which was moderated by ex-Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson.

The new drone is bigger than its predecessor and takes off and lands vertically. It is also capable of switching to a regular horizontal flight mode.

The drone is reportedly capable of covering distances of over 15 miles, flying over a speed of 55 mph.

The drone also features sensors that scan the landing area to find a landing spot. However, until the technology is fully developed users might have to mark this spot for the drone to land.

It also includes safety features to avoid collision and other roadblocks.

The company is also working on a fleet of drones for different environments and purposes.

TechCrunch cited an Amazon spokesperson as saying: "This design enables it to fly long distances efficiently and go straight up and down in a safe, agile way. It is one of many prototype vehicles we have developed.

"One day, seeing Prime Air vehicles will be as normal as seeing mail trucks on the road."

However, prior to using the drone for delivery, Amazon will have to get permission from the US Federal Aviation Administration which does not allow drones operate beyond a pilot’s vision, a rule which is a major roadblock for delivery drones.