Always Technology Corp, which supplies Small Computer Systems Interface host adaptors, has an ultra high speed EISA SCSI adaptor, the AL-4000, which supports transfer rates of up to 33Mbytes-per-second and operates in caching and non-caching modes: it can take up to 32Mb of cache memory, and includes an 80286 microprocessor as the data manager and cache controller, which uses a separate bus with 128Kb of static memory and two EPROMs, and the AL-4000 uses Burst Mode Transfer, which enables data to be buffered or held in the cache and then transferred across the 32-bit bus at minicomputer speeds; it also uses the Intel 82355 Bus Master Interface Controller to link to the EISA bus; samples next month, volume in first quarter 1991; samples are $900 with 2Mb of memory; the company exhibited at Comdex/Fall but gave no home location.