After news that Altos Computer Inc is planning an upwards push with new high-end 80486 and 80860 systems last week, the company is also expanding at the other end, introducing a new entry-level machine, the 386 Series 600. Designed for six users, it is based on the 25MHz version of the 80386, comes with 4Mb RAM, 32Kb cache memory, eight RS-232 ports and disk capacity going from 90Mb up to 380Mb. It runs Altos’ Unix-compatible System V/386 operating system and is shipping in the US now, in the UK from October 11 – no prices were given. Also introduced is a new storage expansion unit for the 386 Series 1000 to enable up to four 630Mb hard disk drives to be attached. On the software side, the accounting package Solomon III is now available on Altos systems – and is claimed to be the first Unix implementation of the software.