Altera and ARM have jointly developed an embedded software development toolkit which will remove debugging barriers for SoC FPGA Devices.

Dubbed the ARM Development Studio 5 (DS-5) Altera Edition, the toolkit is designed to remove the debugging barrier between the integrated dual-core CPU subsystem and FPGA fabric.

The companies said that the new toolkit will offer embedded software developers a new level of full-chip visibility and control by combining a multi-core debugger for the ARM architecture with the ability to adapt to the FPGA logic.

The new toolkit will support debugging on systems running in asymmetric multiprocessing and symmetric multiprocessing system configurations.

ARM executive vice president of system design division John Cornish said: "This development has unified CPU debugging with FPGA debugging to bolster user productivity."

Altera vice president of product and corporate marketing Vince Hu added: "The ARM DS-5 Altera Edition toolkit gives software engineers an incredibly powerful development and debugging tool, allowing for the fastest development time for our SoC devices."

The new toolkit will be included in the Altera SoC Embedded Development Suite and will start shipping early next year.

ARM said that Altera SOC devices combine a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor with FPGA logic on a single device and Altera is currently shipping initial samples of its Cyclone V SoC devices.