Alpha Microsystems Inc, Santa Ana, California, which moved into Pick systems with its acquisitions of Rexon Business Machines and Fujitsu Systems of America has come out with its first new Pick machines since the acquisitions: the new AMS 1000 Series is an 80386-based family designed to support six to 32 users and comes in two basic desktop models, the AMS 1200 and AMS 1600 the 16MHz 80386SX-based Model 1200 ranges from $7,700 to over $13,000 and comes standard with 2Mb, 1.2Mb floppy, 60Mb streaming tape drive, six serial ports; one parallel printer port and 85Mb, 180Mb or 380Mb unformatted disk, MS-DOS and six-user Pick licence; the 25MHz 80386 Model 1600 is from $21,000 in similar configuration.