Having snapped up divisions of Computer Associates International Inc earlier this month, enterprise productivity software firm Allen Systems Group (ASG) is hungry for further acquisitions, and has five more companies in its sights (CI No 3,804). The Naples, Florida firm benefited from a conflict of interests which the Department of Justice spotted in CA’s acquisition of Platinum Technology Inc in May (CI No 3,676), buying the ex-Platinum products CA was forced to sell off.

Allen is eyeing two US firms and three in Southern Europe. ASG wants to compete more strongly with its erstwhile benefactor CA, and has earmarked scheduling tools for the IBM S/390 and AS/400 systems, mainframe legacy data migration and tape storage. ASG currently has revenue of $70m.

The CA products brought revenue of $35m and 800 customers to add to Allen’s existing 1700. The five new firms should take ASG past the $150m mark and add 3000 more customers. The Platinum tools bought by Allen included management software for job scheduling and restarting, storage, console alert systems and software configuration.