The supplier is a manufacturer of premium bottled water products with the capability to more than triple the Company’s regional manufacturing capacity quickly and cost-effectively.

The increased capacity is slated to service the mounting demand for Alkaline88 within the Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, Colorado and California marketplaces.

Steven Nickolas, President & CEO of The Alkaline Water Company states, "As demand increases, we must ensure our ability to service these new territories can be met. We feel it is critical that we meet the opportunity for growth with a proactive production strategy. With this in mind, we realized our original manufacturing capacity in Phoenix could quickly reach a plateau, and while we intend to continue production from that facility, it was deemed necessary to prepare for pressure on our projected inventory demands. Today’s announcement is meant to ensure our distributor’s that their orders will be met in a timely fashion as we continue to manage growth and continue our sales and marketing efforts towards the development of a national distribution network."