Open source software maker Alfresco has released Version 3.4 of its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) product which manages content in the social world.

This new release reportedly provides a content platform for building content-rich applications and an easy social user-interface for collaboration and document management.

The platform is aimed at developers and companies to build applications where enterprise content is "social-ready" — or shared, collaborated on and syndicated across the web – and captured for compliance, retention and control, the company said.

Enterprises are increasingly using social business systems such as Jive,’s Chatter, Lotus Quickr to make employees more effective but these systems only create volumes of unmanaged content if left un-checked, Alfresco said.

"Using open standards like CMIS & JSR-168, Alfresco Enterprise 3.4 is a content platform that can co-exist with social business systems to help manage and retain the content created by social business systems," it added.

The new release, the company said, provides user-interface enhancements to make document management more social. It enables folder-based actions for simple workflow, along with advanced workflow (using jBPM).

Using the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard, Alfresco continues to integrate with open source CMS such as Drupal, Lotus Quickr and more social business systems, the company added.