According to the company, SAS Analytics Pro solution enables users to access, manipulate, analyze and present information on their own. Because it works on the desktop, it does not require resource-intensive IT support as users can access data from virtually any source.

Alfa Vision Insurance plans to identify and retain customers through better statistical modeling and found certain customer segments to be less costly to service and more profitable from an indemnity stand-point. The company is targeting eight program rollouts through 2010 that will use SAS and the retention predictor.

Elite Technology Solutions, a SAS Alliance partner, has recommended the SAS Analytics Pro solution for Alfa Vision.

Jay Kempf, vice president of product development at Alfa Vision Insurance, said: “It’s the right platform for our needs. Elite used SAS to develop a retention prediction model based on our data, which help us to strategically target the best retaining customer segments.

“As we measure retention today, we expect to increase our numbers by at least seven points. If we can achieve seven points improvement, we will have this project paid back in less than a year.