Cyrix Corp vice-president of marketing Steve Domenik expects the M1 Pentium-killer processor to be shipped in a personal computer developed by one of the top five guys in the first quarter of 1995 – Cyrix is not close to an agreement with a major manufacturer, but logic suggests that a top vendor will be shipping it in a system early next year; he also said specifically that the company does not yet have an agreement with Compaq Computer Corp – last week, Cyrix’s share price jumped on a report in InfoWorld that Compaq will be using the company’s M1 chip in a new line, but we haven’t achieved an endorsement yet, but we are in discussions with all those guys, Domenik said, adding that Cyrix will not, as planned, demonstrate the chip at the Comdex computer trade show next month, because the silicon is not ready; he did say that while the chip is still in early production stages, he expects the M1 to reach volume production in the second quarter 1995 and The big excitement will be the second half, declared Domenik; details about an M1 derivative – called Chili, will be released in January.