Aleri LMS, an application to leverage complex event processing technology, automates time-consuming, manual processes to allow institutions to focus on cost-effective liquidity strategies that reduce operational costs while enhancing their competitive position.

Aleri clients that are currently running live on LMS 4 will soon be able to benefit from liquidity management system (LMS) version 5 and the new collateral management module (CMM) that will provide up-to date, accurate, enterprise inventory liquidity centric views of liquid assets positions for day-to-day and crisis liquidity management purposes, and the ability to trigger actions to mobilize these liquid assets. Additionally, CMM will provide detailed stock information for use in liquidity risk reporting and stress testing scenarios.

Additionally LMS 5 provides banks with a bird’s eye view of what institutions are failing to make their payments, allowing banks to make real-time decisions on what to do in order to make a substantial impact. They can also track and identify behaviors that have contributed to the crisis for future reference, facilitating improvements in the bank’s Liquidity Contingency processes for the future.