Aldus Corp, Seattle, Washington says it is now shipping Aldus Persuasion 1.0, a complete desktop presentations software program for the Apple Computer Inc Macintosh, and that it had signed agreements with both Genigraphics Corp and Autographix Inc, two of the largest slide creation bureaux in the US, under which each will offer overnight turnaround on Persuasion files via modem or disk mailer: Aldus Persuasion includes a set of presentation tools for outlining, word processing, drawing, charting and formatting presentations, and is capable of producing colour or black-and-white 35mm slides and overheads, as well as speaker notes and audience handouts (‘fraid it doesn’t actually write the speech, you have to do that); the recommended system configuration for it is a Macintosh Plus, SE, or II, with hard disk and one 800Kb floppy, and the thing sells for $500 in the US.