Ray Dream Inc, the Mountain View California-based developer of three-dimensional graphics software, has launched Designer 3.1, for the Power Macintosh. President Eric Hautemont says all functions across the board are two to four times faster. The company is shipping 68000 and PowerPC versions of 3.1 in the same box. The retail price remains unchanged at $350. Current Designer 3.0 users can upgrade for $30; those that bought version 3.0 since April 1 get a free upgrade. Meanwhile, Aldus Corp has begun shipping Gallery Effects 1.5.1 for the Power Macintosh, its collection of PhotoShop-compatible plug in filters. Aldus says the Power Mac filters run two to four times faster than on conventional Macs. Each volume of effects costs $150. Existing users can get an upgrade for $50 for one volume, $80 for two volumes and $100 for all three.