Alcatel will supply its interoperable 6481 AlTrac/ETCS Level 2 and 6413 AlTrac/ETCS Level1 systems, which transmit train movement authorities and other specific information via GSM-R radio. Alcatel will also provide the electrical power supply system and the technical buildings, equipped with access control, fire detection and CCTV systems.

Additionally, Alcatel will be responsible for the design, build and installation of the multi-services fixed communication network to carry and distribute voice, data, and video services to and from all sites, thus establishing reliable communication links.

We are extremely proud for the renewed confidence the Spanish railways Administration is placing in Alcatel’s experience since the first deployment of a high speed line in 1992, stated Alfredo Redondo, president of Alcatel’s activities in Spain.

Alcatel is involved in the Madrid-Seville, Madrid-Saragossa-Lleida, Lleida-Barcelona, Segovia-Valladolid, Cordoba-Malaga and the Atlantic Axis high-speed lines.