Francois Seveque of Alcatel Business Systems Ltd has outlined the company’s UK directions, simultaneously announcing the UK versions of the 4300 digital PABX. Seveque admitted that Alcatel has so far made little impact in the UK market, despite being established here for four years. Following the sale of Fiat’s telecommunications transmission equipment company, Telettra SpA to Alacatel’s parent company, Compagnie Generale d’Electricite, (CI No 1,528) Alcatel is rationalising its product lines to establish a coherent product policy. Despite not providing support for CT2 mobile communications links until 1991, Seveque believes that the 4300 can rescue Alcatel’s UK fortunes, citing its main features as 32,000 line extensions and its ability to connect to Alcatel’s Business Communication proprietary protocol as well as IPNS, DPNSS DASS2 and Q391. Other features of the networking facilities on the 4300s include protocol conversion, adaptive routing and bandwidth optimisation.