Provider of mobile, fixed, IP and optics technologies Alcatel-Lucent and telecommunications service provider P&TLuxembourg have launched fast data network in Europe.

The two companies established a 100G (gigabit per second) IP connection between Frankfurt and Luxembourg, claimed Alcatel-Lucent. The 100Gbps IP connection provides high-bandwidth, low latency, secure and reliable data services to the financial sector, European institutions and organisations throughout the country, said Alcatel-Lucent.

In addition, the network will enable P&TLuxembourg to support several time sensitive financial and business transactions, and create interconnections between different IP networks, known as IP Peering.

Alcatel-Lucent has provided P&TLuxembourg with its Converged Backbone Transformation (CBT) offering. The CBT offering for P&TLuxembourg includes the Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) with 100G optical coherent technology and the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router (SR) provides 100G Ethernet (100GE) interfaces. The combination provides P&TLuxembourg the 100G technology across both the IP and optical domains of their network, said Alcatel-Lucent.

P&T’s Telecom Division senior engineer Carlo Richartz said Luxembourg is evolving as an essential player in the IT world and has become a major location for data centres, as well as Internet and multimedia content hosting and distribution.

"By introducing 100G transmission capacity into our TERALINK network – which already connects much of Western Europe – we are ensuring that Luxembourg remains a top tier Internet hub for all kinds of economic activity throughout Europe," said Richartz.