Alcatel-Lucent has set a new broadband speed record of up to 10Gbps over traditional copper telephone lines.

The operator’s research arm Bell Labs said they achieved the speed over a distance of 30 metres over two copper lines by using a prototype broadband standard called XG-Fast.

However, speeds dropped to 1 G-bps over 70 meters on a single copper pair of lines.

The XG-Fast prototype is an extension of the advanced DSL technology that is currently being finalised by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and expected to be commercially available by 2015.

While uses a frequency range of 106 MHz for data transmission to deliver broadband speeds up to 500 Mbps over a distance of 100 metres, XG-Fast provides speeds of up to 500 MHz but over shorter distances.

"Our constant aim is to push the limits of what is possible to ‘invent the future’," said Marcus Weldon, president of Bell Labs.

"By pushing broadband technology to its limits, operators can determine how they could deliver gigabit services over their existing networks, ensuring the availability of ultra-broadband access as widely and as economically as possible."

Federico Guillen, president of Alcatel-Lucent’s fixed networks business, added that network operators could bring high-speed broadband services to businesses and homes quicker.

"XG-FAST can help operators accelerate FTTH deployments, taking fibre very close to customers without the major expense and delays associated with entering every home," he explained.

"By making 1 gigabit symmetrical services over copper a real possibility, Bell Labs is offering the telecommunications industry a new way to ensure no customer is left behind when it comes to ultra-broadband access."