Albridge says it is including detailed policy attributes on a broad range of insurance products to Albridge Wealth Reporting (AWR). Albridge will collect and normalize information from more than 60 insurance carriers and will capture and report on insurance policy attributes, including premiums, party information, benefits, riders and policy status.
Albridge says the addition of this detailed policy information will enable AWR to provide investment advisors with a consolidated view of a client’s insurance and investment products, and a more complete picture of their total net worth.
Jake Rohn, executive vice president of corporate development, Albridge, said, The worlds of investment and insurance are converging. Increasingly, investment advisors are assuming the role of wealth managers and serving a broader range of their clients’ financial planning needs.
He continued, We believe this is one of the first technology solutions that can help them meet the challenges this presents by providing a more complete picture of a client’s total net worth through an integrated investment and insurance report.