AIX self-training courseware is now available from Courseware Technologies Inc: the software consists of interactive self-paced products that run under either MS-DOS on a personal computer or under AIX on an RS/6000 and there are tutorials that teach about AIX, ranging from beginning to advanced; the cost of the course is $1,200 for up to five MS-DOS users, $2,200 for up to nine users on an RS/6000. a i x Perceptics Corp, a Knoxville, Tennesee mass storage integration company has just announced support for AIX and the RS/6000: Perceptics offers an integrated optical storage facility with a capacity of 10.2Gb stand-alone to as much as 1.02Tb in a jukebox system; prices range from $7,000 to $300,000. a i x Locus Computing Corp of Inglewood, California, exhibited a sneak preview of PC-Interface for the Macintosh running on the RS/6000: the software system (which already runs on Santa Cruz, Interactive Systems and SunOS Unix, enables Macintosh users to access all manner of networks services, including virtual drives, printers and VT-320 terminal emulation; the system requires no changes or special software for the Mac – the connection is made over either Ethernet or RS-232 serial link; the RS/6000 product is set for January at $800 to $15,000. a i x NAUG, the National AIX-RISC System/6000 User Group met on October 2: the meeting was organised by a board of seven, headed by Ed Taylor of Pencom Software Inc and included David Flack of Unix World magazine and the group plans to start an international organisation, a bulletin board, newsletter, bi-monthly meetings and an annual members’ meeting; membership costs $50 a year, or $25 for students.