Ready4Design 2007 is an online web site builder that allows customers to build a template-driven web site or edit an existing site using a web browser. This tool is ideal for customers such as small businesses without a web presence, technology resellers, designers, and corporate intranets. Users can change, modify, and create web site content with little or no hypertext markup language (HTML) or programming language experience. For resellers this tool is a complete solution to increase their business of web design or to resell the application to its existing customers.

Ready4Design has features such as 100 free templates, a file manager with no need for file transfer protocol (FTP) and it creates forms in a flash.

The client side tools are great, but in terms of cost they are sometimes unrealistic for a small business. Alternatively, the browser based products often don’t have the needed features to make a difference as they don’t offer any real value. We are very proud to have accomplished a ‘best of both worlds’ application with our new Ready4Design product, said John Horton, vice president of sales and marketing at AIT.

AIT is focused on small business and delivers many of its products using private label resellers. Other similar products are the ‘Ewisoft Website Builder’ and ‘350pages’. ‘Ewisoft Website Builder’ is developed by Ewisoft. It is also a template driven web design software and enables non-technical users to create a web site.

The ‘350pages’ is developed by a UK based internet service provider (ISP), ZyNet. 350pages has features such as customizable, professionally designed templates and graphics, a photo editor, photo uploaders that resizes upon upload, and drag and drop objects on the page. This web site builder is available for free to the users.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates