NeuStar has announced that Air2Web, a mobile marketing and integrated mobile technology company, has extended its contract for NeuStar’s wireless message routing service based on value, quality and accuracy.

NeuStar’s wireless message routing service (WMRS) enables query-based access for real-time routing of multimedia (MMS) and SMS traffic. Specifically, whenever an Air2Web subscriber attempts to send an MMS or SMS, the Air2Web platform queries NeuStar’s WMRS database and identifies the correct destination for the message to ensure successful delivery and realize cost efficiencies.

The WMRS is an IP addressing service that enables the real-time routing of SMS and MMS wireless messages among mobile operators, content providers, aggregators, and other entities that enable the routing and billing of wireless messaging.

Curtis Rapp, vice president of sales and marketing for Air2Web, said: Air2Web utilizes NeuStar’s WMRS in its day-to-day operations to successfully identify appropriate carrier information in order to route messages appropriately. Air2Web’s business is built on the ability to deliver messages successfully to carriers, and having NeuStar provide us with the appropriate carrier is critical to us achieving this goal.