UK CIOs are growing in confidence that machine learning can enhance the speed and precision of traditional processes, particularly decision making.

This is evident as the technology is no longer just being used for simple algorithmic automation, with more complex tasks being assigned to it.

A sturdy 52 per cent of UK CIOs are taking the technology to the next level by using it for advanced decision making in critical areas such as threat response.

Machine learning moves from hype to reality as CIOs see ROIServiceNow is behind these statistics, finding a strong majority consensus regarding the value of machine learning. The survey found that 89 per cent of the UK respondents stated that the technology is transformative.

Those that implement machine learning are lined up to reap the reward of time, as 57 per cent of the UK CIOs said the routine decision making process is heavily time consuming, taking vital team members away from more valuable work.

Paul Hardy of the Chief Strategy Office, ServiceNow, said: “We see three kinds of decisions as targets for automation—anything requiring rating, ranking or forecasting… Everyday work such as the assignment of IT tickets and prioritising sales leads are already delivering results. Machine learning has moved from hype to reality.”

The findings gathered by this survey mark an important point in the development of automation technology, with machine learning having been present and active for many years in a more basic capacity, but only now becoming revolutionary.

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“Machine learning allows enterprises to digitise in ways that were not possible before… To realise the full potential of machine learning technology, CIOs must elevate their role to transformational leader who influences how our organisations design business processes, leverage data, and hire and train talent,” Hardy said.

These efficiency improvements are predicted to yield more than just extra time for professionals, as the survey found that 72 per cent of CIOs are expecting decision automation to have a positive impact on top-line growth.

“First-mover CIOs who combine machine learning with new business processes and skillsets will better support their enterprise growth…They report higher levels of maturity in the use of leading platforms, which allows them to concentrate on innovation, such as automating complex decision-making, which immediately impacts the bottomline.”