IBM aims to help developers and analysts get to grips with the forthcoming GDPR by applying cognitive computing technologies to their data.

In doing so, the company has made improvements to its data governance and data science initiatives.

As the deadline for GDPR draws nearer, members of the EU are especially advised to protect all data, most especially data “that can be used to directly or indirectly identify a person,” says IBM.

The EU regulations state that any organisation, either in Europe or outside, that holds any personal data of EU citizens and fails to comply with GDPR could face penalties ranging from four percent of the company’s annual global revenue to 20 million euros.

In order to help organisations prepare for GDPR, IBM has developed new solutions and tools to boost data governance. It includes data science and machine learning advances and an Open Data Governance Consortium for Apache Atlas.

Read more:IBM rolls out IRP solution to help clients become GDPR compliant

The new solutions developed by IBM include a Unified Governance Software Platform, which is designed to analyse data management capabilities. It will be able to map GDPR, using capabilities such as cognitive metadata harvest, lineage tracking, policy enforcement, data integration and persona-based reporting.

Information Governance Catalog Download & Go, is a download platform that provides governance tools that can be downloaded directly to organisations systems.

The company also just launched IBM Data Science Experience (DSX) at its London data centre. This enables data scientists in the UK and across Europe to form analytic models and generate data insights. DSX is designed to help organisations to become more data driven, this should assist in the decision making process when it comes to preparing for regional data requirements.

In Germany, IBM launched its Machine Learning Hub to help organisations discover solutions to data science challenges in machine learning. Although, many companies offer educational resources on emerging technologies, the Machine Learning Hub will generate solutions to data science challenges.

Rob Thomas, GM, IBM Analytics said: “From the sheer volume and continued distribution of data across evermore complex network clusters, to the rising tide of data regulations, such as GDPR the need to organise, analyse and govern that data grows more critical every day.

“With the governance moves we’re making today, we’re giving operations more ways to begin to not only understand what they have, but leverage it to make better business decisions and prepare for compliance.”

Another edition from IBM is StoredIQ, which is software that gives users the option to recognise the types of data that is stored in their organisations. The software is available across 15 EU countries in 11 languages.

IBM has also developed Open Data Governance Consortium for Apache Atlas, which is recognised as the Apache Foundation’s data governance framework for Hadoop, designed to help organisations to adopt data governance at a fast and easy to manage pace.