A new Gartner report on emerging technologies has outlined AI, virtual reality (VR) technology, and digital platforms as three major tech trends.

AI is held aloft as the technology class that will bring the most disruption over the next ten years, while immersive tech such as VR will gain traction as technology becomes centred on humans.

To support this level of development, digital platforms are also predicted to be a megatrend, with vast quantities of data and compute power required at the foundations of this innovation.

This report from Gartner is the Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2017, a study that surveys a landscape of in excess of 2,000 technologies to map the top tech trends.

Mike J. Walker, research director at Gartner said: “Enterprise architects who are focused on technology innovation must evaluate these high-level trends and the featured technologies, as well as the potential impact on their businesses… In addition to the potential impact on businesses, these trends provide a significant opportunity for enterprise architecture leaders to help senior business and IT leaders respond to the digital business opportunities and threats by creating signature-ready actionable and diagnostic deliverables that guide investment decisions.”

AI and VR lead the way as 2017 top tech trends - Gartner

While the findings from the report are important for informing business leaders on the optimum approach to tech innovation,  AI is at the top of the agenda for numerous organisations already as further platforms and use cases emerge.

“When we view these themes together, we can see how the human-centric enabling technologies within transparently immersive experiences — such as smart workspace, connected home, augmented reality, virtual reality and the growing brain-computer interface — are becoming the edge technologies that are pulling the other trends along the Hype Cycle,” said Mr Walker.

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Organisations are eagerly marching headlong into the implementation of new innovative strategies, but it is important that security standards are enhanced and maintained when working with technologies such as IoT.

Mr Walker said: “These megatrends illustrate that the more organisations are able to make technology an integral part of employees’, partners’ and customers’ experiences, the more they will be able to connect their ecosystems to platforms in new and dynamic ways.”