The purchase will allow Agile to take advantage of the collaborative visualization offered by Cimmetry, as Ed Miller, CIMdata president, explained: Collaborative visualization tools enable a much broader set of people both inside and beyond a company to drive critical product decisions based not just on textual information, but also on 2D and 3D visualizations of the product. By enabling more users to participate in product decisions, he continued, collaborative visualization tools deliver significant value to companies focused on quality, time-to-market, and meeting the needs of their customers with innovative solutions.

According to a recent CIMData report, product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions have grown in capacity and are increasingly focused on providing enterprise support. As such, collaborative visualization tools have become a critical component of more and more implementations.

Cimmetry Systems provides collaborative visualization solutions including AutoVue, and is specifically focused on enabling the use of 2D and 3D mechanical CAD (MCAD) and electronic design automation (EDA/ECAD) information across the extended enterprise. The company aims to make specialized design information available to both technical and non-engineering users including stakeholders such as customers, product definition groups, engineering, purchasing, planning, suppliers, marketing, sales and service without the need for specialized, expensive CAD tools.