Age Logic Inc, the X Window System software house based in San Diego, California, will shift gears and take off after the commercial market starting this month, with the debut of a new Microsoft Corp Windows-based X server and the formal release of an enhanced version of personal computer Xsight. Xsight is the MS-DOS X server that AGE acquired from Locus Computing Corp last September and subsequently renamed Xoftware for MS-DOS. To get its goods to market, AGE is setting up a two-prong XoftSell reseller programme including a track for authorised resellers involving no volume and a minimum 35% discount, and one for certified resellers that make commitments and get at least 40 points and co-operative funds. The new XoftWare for Windows 3.0 and 3.1 and the enhanced XoftWare for MS-DOS will enable Age to catch up with its competitors.