AdvestiPRINT is part of Advestigo’s offering for automatically filtering copyrighted files uploaded to user-generated content (UGC) websites. Advestigo’s technology has already been installed and used by some of the world’s leading content providers, the company claims.

AdvestiPRINT is a standalone box with a ‘plug-n-play’ installation. To use the appliance, a studio inputs a video to AdvestiPRINT, which in turn outputs an encrypted fingerprint of that video, which then automatically gets added to a central Advestigo reference fingerprint repository. This allows studios to create a fingerprint of a new release even before it appears in movie theatres without risk of content leakage.

AdvestiPRINT empowers studios to start protecting video content prior to release or distribution, says Michel Roux, president and CEO of Advestigo. This breakthrough software will also come as a relief to UGC websites that must work closely with studios to detect or filter copyrighted content.

Beyond copyright management, AdvestiPRINT also enables UGC websites to generate video fingerprints on a local level for a number of purposes ­ to ‘de-duplicate’ files, to automatically monitor any previously disqualified content, and to comply with court decisions by filtering specific banned content in uploaded copies.