Testing will be localized to the Philadelphia market to foster the adoption of electronic connectivity between physician, pharmacies and other healthcare partners to help cut costs, increase efficiency and reduce errors.

The Open Healthcare Registry (OHR) is based on the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) protocol, a cross-industry effort driven by major platform and software providers, as well as marketplace operators and ebusiness leaders within the OASIS standards consortium.

Using UDDI, AdvanceNet Health Solutions (ANSHealth) believes healthcare partners will be able to freely discover one another via the internet, removing the barriers and costs currently imposed by proprietary hubs and gateway services.

Once the preferred healthcare business is discovered, business descriptors will be able to provide real-time communication and encryption information to the user, allowing secure, peer-to-peer transmission of data.

ANSHealth plans to leverage its existing ePostRx product suite in initial testing, which will consist of transferring electronic prescriptions between peers using the NCPDP SCRIPT standard. If successful, ANSHealth plans to make OHR freely available to all healthcare partners who wish to register and participate.

John Strecker, president of ANSHealth, added, Our long-term goal is to make OHR the standard, public platform that enables healthcare companies and electronic applications to discover and securely publish information with one another.