Is Advanced Micro Devices Inc going to have Intel Corp running scared with its K6 microprocessor, answer to the Pentium II – indeed something of a prequel, since it is being launched ahead of Intel’s planned Pentium Pro with MMX instruction set added? PC Week hears the part, most luscious fruit yet of the NexGen Inc acquisition, and by some accounts rather better than Pentium II, has already left Hewlett-Packard Co wide-eyed enough that it is close to using it in its small business-oriented Vectra 500 line, sources close to the situation told the paper. Advanced Micro will call the thing the K6-PRII, and offer it in 166MHz, 200MHz and 233MHz versions, and price it about 25% lower than comparable Intel parts. In 1,000-up quantities, the 166MHz version of the K6 will be about $210, the 200MHz version at about $315 and the 233MHz one at about $450, the paper was told.