Advanced Micro Devices Inc has launched three additions to its E86 family of high-performance, low-power iAPX-86-compatible embedded processing products; the Am186 EM and Am386EM microcontrollers and the Am486SE microprocessor. Compatibility with 80C186 on-chip peripherals is maintained by the Am186EM and the Am386EM microcontrollers for easy migration and the parts operate at either 3V or 5V and incorporate true static design, enabling operation in stand-by mode when power is at a premium. The products are designed for telecommunications, office automation, mass storage, point-of-sale system, medical equipment and industrial control applications. The Am186EM is a 16-bit embedded part with enhanced bus interface and supports 40MHz operation from 70nS access static RAM with no wait states. The Am386EM is a 32-bit embedded part based on the Am386SX microprocessor core and comes in 25MHz, 33MHz and 40MHz versions frequencies with 96Mb maximum system memory address space. The Am486SE comes in 25MHz or 33MHz versions and has an 8Kb code and data cache and paged virtual memory management. The Am186EM microcontroller is out now at $13.10 for 10,000-up. The Am386EM is $24.95 for 10,000-up with samples in first half 1995, volume in the third quarter. The Am486SE is available at $116.50 for 10,000-up. And Advanced Micro has signed up Chips & Technologies Inc to provide designers with complete support sets for low-cost iAPX-86 embedded controllers for consumer products, computer peripherals and test and measurement instruments. Chips & Tech says it will be providing its CS4031EM CHIPset and 82C836EM SCATsx system logic chip sets in support of the parts.