The threatened fall-out of smaller players in the high performance personal computer market is driving some manufacturers to fairly desperate measures, and Advanced Logic Research Inc, Irvine, California is describing as an incitement of guerrilla warfare a broadbrush price-cutting campaign on some of its 80386-based systems: according to Microbytes Daily, the most significant reduction is on a 25MHz model that will now sell for under $3,500; the cuts are primarily on the company’s FlexCache line of 80386 systems, which in Byte magazine tests ranked among the fastest in a group of machines with the same clock speed, while the 25MHz model ranked as the fastest machine overall in a recent survey; that $3,500 price is for a diskless model, while a 20MHz system with 150Mb disk and VGA falls 20% to $6,000; the firm also says it will ship its IBM PS/2 clone next month.