Advanced Graphics Engineering Inc, or AGE, as it prefers, is to implement its XoftWare X Window server software for Advanced Micro Devices’ Am29000 RISC processor. Already implemented on Texas Instruments’ TI 34010 graphics chip, used in Tetronix and Hewlett-Packard X terminals amongst others, XoftWare enables a manufacturer to offer the X Window System on any computer system, controller or peripheral using the chip, without the associated development costs, and requires only 512Kb of memory to do the job. XoftWare is also implemented on Opus Systems’ Personal Mainframe/8000 workstations, graphics boards from Elsa GmbH, Everex Systems’ Step 88000 workstation and Wyse Technology’s AT-alikes.Based in San Diego, California, AGE’s new chairman and chief operating officer is Peter Shaw, a founder of Megatek Graphics Corp.