Underlining the way in which RISCs are increasingly usurping the role of complex instruction set microprocessors, and delivering a blow to National Semiconductor Corp’s hopes of rescuing the NS32000 microprocessor family by coming up with versions dedicated to graphics and laser printing applications, Adobe Systems Inc has chosen MIPS Computer Systems Inc’s R3000 RISC microprocessor and R3010 floating point unit as the basis of its new Emerald PostScript controller. Set for launch at a print trade show in Dusseldorf next week, the Emerald controller has already won OEM contracts from Agfa-Compugraphic Inc, Autologic Inc, Canon Inc, Monotype Corp Plc, Scangraphic Dr Boger GmbH and Varityper Inc. The controller has been designed to accelerate the output of a new generation of typesetters, colour printers, and high-speed black-and-white printers from three to seven times.