Adobe Systems Inc will offer version 3.0 of its PhotoShop design and production application on Sun Microsystems Inc and Silicon Graphics Inc workstations from early autumn, including, for the first time, individual licences at $1,000. Single-user floating licences are $1,900, with a five-user pack starting at $7,600 and 10-user set-up from $13,500. Upgrades – the current Unix version is 2.5.2 – are $500 for a single floating-user licence, $2,300 for five users and $4,050 for 10. The company said PhotoShop 3.0 will be up under Solaris 2.5 as soon as SunSoft Inc ships it. Adobe, which does not plan any other Unix implementations of its software in the immediate future, said Unix accounts for up to 5% of its overall PhotoShop business. The company plans to introduce server versions of its applications for multiple systems, but declined to be more specific.