X25 SNA Interconnection 2.2 provides an X25 Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment interface to 3720 and 3745 communications processors and the network transports X25 packets between compatible X25 Data Terminal Equipment. IBM says that it’s primarily a currency release to support the new Network Control Program 5.3, new X25 capabilities, and throughput class negotiation. The resources are managed by a corequisite program, the X25 SNA Network Supervisory Function, operating on an MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, and VM host. Costs start at $15,120 and rise to $27,720, according to the usage of low and high-speed scanners, transmission subsystems, and Token-Ring and channel adaptors. Monthly licences are between $420 and $770. It will be available for MVS users in the US from May 25, but VM users will have to wait until June 29.The X25 SNA Network Supervisory Function is an X25 Interconnection corequisite, and runs on an MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, or VM host as a subtask of NetView. It controls the XI resources and Communication Controller’s X25 interface running XI, and collects X25 traffic and accounting information. It also supports X25 SNA Interconnection Version 1 and X25 SNA Interconnection Version 2 Release 2 in the MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, and VM environments. The function also provides samples on tapes (JCL samples for MVS, EXEC samples for VM), improves the recording of X25 accounting, and supports the take-over when the NSF BACKUP facility is not used. The monthly licence is $420, and groups 10 to 60 have one-time charges between $3,780 and $33,560. The MVS version will be available from May 25, VM from June 29.