It has been decided that the AT&T Co and NCR Corp display businesses should be combined under the aegis of NCR’s terminal subsidiary Applied Digital Data Systems in Hauppauge, New York, which will do all the manufacturing and product design from now on. The addition of AT&T’s multisession-multihost 730+ X-terminals will give ADDS a high end. There may be some eventual rationalisation at the low end, perhaps with the AT&T 750CX, but for the moment the company is saying both the AT&T product line and its own 3413s and 3414s will continue. ADDS also maintains there is no overlap with its Unix system terminals and that both the ADDS 4320 series and AT&T 615, 705, 710 and 715 will go on. AT&T will discontinue manufacturing at its sites in Mexico and California and use the facilities and staff for other production needs. Meanwhile, AT&T’s former director of its display terminal and printer business unit, has been named vice-president and general manager of the X-Station unit.